But, you are working in a project, just like a video project, that you can save, exit and reopen later to make changes to whatever you were doing. You make all of the modifications that you want - effects, editing, volume control, etc., and then you export the final result. AML and now SF ACL are basically non-destructive editors. Whatever you did affected the file that you were working on. One thing that I noticed from my limited experience with SFP11 was that it was destructive editing there was no project file. Take a look at all of the features for each product to get an idea as to the interface and what they each do. I have SFP11 and SFAS12, which came along with some other products. Sound Forge Pro and Audio Studio do about the same thing as SF ACL, so having SFP and SF ACL would be redundant, in my opinion. SF ACL appears to be an upgrade to what was previously AML. John was good of Magix to give you the upgrade price. From what? Is this an upgrade from AML? ACL? The web site indicates that one can Upgrade. This already works using Share, but there is currently a problem going from Movie Edit Pro or Video Pro X to AML, ACL and VSCL as the external editor the return does not work (bug reported to Magix). Media exchange: Transfer your audio or video projects with just a few clicks from SOUND FORGE Audio Cleaning Lab to any other video editing software. The information on the Magix site mentions a "New" parametric 6-band EQ module. I presume that Spectral Cleaning has not been changed and is not even as powerful as the one that was in a long ago version (similar to that in Samplitude C&R Suite). iZotope Ozone 8 Elements comes with it I have 7. It looks like Audio & Music Lab Premium, but is now 64bit and can handle VST3 plugins (which are problematic according to Samplitude users).